Regular Updates for 2024 Happenings

When we are not too busy doing other stuff all our other sub-groups will do what they do: –

  • Coffee Morning is held on 1st Weds each month at ‘The Tea Room’, 10:30am, in Howden. The next planned one is 3rd July.
  • Ladies That Lunch/Dine will be trying out various different venues. The July outing is at ‘Spuds and Berries’, Hull Road, Hemingbrough, YO8 6QJ, Friday 12th July, 7:30pm.
  • Our next main WI Meeting is on Tues 9th July at 7:15pm to be held in St Cuthberts Masonic Hall, Selby Rd, Howden, DN14 7JW. Our activity for this is Smithy Sea Glass with Sal showing us how she makes jewellery from sea glass. This will be followed by a discussion on this year’s WI Resolution.
  • Sewing Bee is usually held at the Barmby Institute, High Street, Barmby, 10am – 2pm, on a Saturday. Bring your own lunch. Next meeting TBC.
  • Our next Book Club meeting will be on Monday 15th July at 7pm at the Wellington Hotel, Howden. The book for discussion is ‘The Most Fun We Ever Had’ by Claire Lombardo.
  • Craft Group is held on 3rd Tues each month, venue TBC, 7:00pm. Our next meeting is 16th July with a £1.50 nominal charge for materials.
  • Knit and Natter group is held on 4th Tues each month, the next one is 23rd July, 2:00pm – 4:00pm, Sue’s house, Hutchinson Way, Howden.
  • Talk and Tipple, 4th Weds each month, (the next one is 7:00pm on 24th July, The Bowman’s Hotel, Howden), where we just chill and put the world to rights! This includes soft drinks, coffee, tea, etc., not just alcohol!
  • Breaking News! Please note that our regular monthly WI meeting has moved from the Methodist Centre to St. Cuthbert’s Masonic Hall, Selby Road, Howden, DN14 7JW.
  • Howden Show: Some of our ladies are manning the Show Secretary’s Tent on Sun 7th July. Please pop in for a chat or ask for more information about joining the WI.
  • Advance Notification: Our annual Afternoon Tea Fund Raising Event will be held on Tues 13th August at St. Cuthbert’s Masonic Hall. Further details to follow.

Dates for our July meetings will be emailed, during the first week of July, to all members who have given us an email address. Printed copies for anyone will be available at the next monthly meeting.