In the picture are some of our members who helped plant eight identical Rose Bushes in a commemorative plot (near the main bowling green & Opposite the CCTV post) as part of The Howden Queens’ Platinum Jubilee celebrations.

Later these WI Members met at The Masonic Lodge (1 Selby Road) on Tuesday 9th of August 2022 for Afternoon Tea and for a celebratory glass of Prosecco from 2:30 – 4:30 PM.

This was a very enjoyable project to take part in and the roses will mark our Queens Platinum Jubilee for many years to come. The bed is marked with a plaque saying the variety of the roses planted and the date. Some older commemoration beds that were donated by Howden WI need re-planting as the original plants have not survived or have become old an unattractive. On our list to restore in the near future.

All of us were greatly saddened by the death of our longest-reigning monarch Queen Elizabeth II.  We mourn her passing and have an eye on the future in serving King Charles III as we did willingly and gladly his mother.